ID | 8.6.F.8 |
Author - Auteur - հեղինակ | |
Date - Datum - տարեթիվ | |
Language - Langue - Taal - Լեզու | French |
Pages - Paginas - Էջեր | 158 |
Publisher - Editeur - Editor - Խմբագիր |
Categories Anderen, Autres pays, Buurlanden, Neighboring countries, Others, Pays voisins, Այլ հարև, Հարևան երկրներ
This manual provides an overview of issues pertaining to ethno-national minorities in the South Caucasus. First it familiarizes the reader with concepts, standards, and mechanisms for the protection of minorities in Europe. Second, it looks at the needs of minorities in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Third, it provides a step-by-step guide on how to mainstream minority issues into the project cycle. Finally, it presents a glossary of commonly used terminology used in the area of minority rights.